Mobile Gaming

Marvel Future Fight Alliance Conquest #5 – Jean Grey + Thanos – Part 2

April 10, 20207:05 pm By

We are back with another Alliance Conquest (AC) this week. Like you, I need to stay at home because of the coronavirus pandemic and Alliance Conquest is one of the game modes that kept me entertained.

The new update in the game is Wanda’s new T3 upgrade. I still can’t get any new uniforms because I’ve been saving for Professor X.

This AC week, we will look at the Jean Grey (JG), Thanos, and Colossus battles again and analyze the battle results. It’s fun looking at their battles because these three characters are the ones driving the AC the results.

Now, let’s jump into it! My Name is Chris and my IGN is chrisz2478.

Welcome to the Marvel Future Fight Alliance Conquest – JG + Thanos Edition Part 2.

# 1 – Battle Against User: Korean User (1)

The agent has the following card information:

  • Max HP: 16.7%
  • Total Energy Attack: 64.2%
  • Total Physical Attack: 58.9%
  • Ignore Defense: 33.9%
  • Cooldown Duration: 28.2%

The agent’s Max HP from cards is 33.3% lower than my Max HP. He does not have any HP proc. His Energy Attack and Physical Attack are higher by 17% and 17.1%, respectively.

Enemy Team:

  • T3 Jean Grey (Lead), CTPA (5 secs. Invi), POAH ISO (40%)
  • T3 Thanos, CTPA (5 secs. Invi), POAH ISO (40%)
  • T2 Colossus, CTPI (15% damage to Super Hero)

My Team:

  • T3 Jean Grey (Lead), CTPReg (Max), POAH ISO (40%)
  • T3 Thanos, CTPReg (Max), POAH ISO (40%)
  • T2 Colossus, CTPI (Max)

At the start of the battle, my JG’s HP is 290k while the agent’s JG has 168K. My JG has 122k more HP than her JG. This is because of his low HP from cards and my JG’s CTPReg.

My Thanos’ Max HP is 273K while his Thanos has 184K only. That’s 89K more Max HP in my favor. Again, this is due to the low HP from cards and the CTPReg of my Thanos.

His Thanos died in just 8 seconds from the start of the battle and her JG’s first life was depleted in just 9 seconds. Her JG’s second life was depleted in just 13 seconds. That’s how fast this battle has ended.

CTPA, in my opinion, is not a good CTP for JG and Thanos in AC. I think right now, the higher the Max HP, the higher chances of winning even if you were caught in JG’s ITGB pierce from her 5th skill. Both JG and Thanos can survive until the timer ends if both have CTPReg and maximum Dodge Rate.

# 2 – Battle Against User: Korean User (2)

The agent has the following card information:

  • Max HP: 22.8%
  • Total Energy Attack: 53.7%
  • Total Physical Attack: 33%
  • Ignore Defense: 30.2%
  • Cooldown Duration: 28%

My Max HP from cards is higher by 27.2%. The agent has no HP proc as well. My Total Energy Attack is lower by 3%. My Total Physical Attack is higher by 8.2%.

Enemy Team:

  • T3 Jean Grey (Lead), CTPA (5 secs. Invi), HE ISO (40%)
  • T3 Thanos, CTPReg (Max), POAH ISO (40%)
  • T2 Colossus, CTP Refinement

My Team:

  • T3 Jean Grey (Lead), CTPReg (Max), POAH ISO (40%)
  • T3 Thanos, CTPReg (Max), POAH ISO (40%)
  • T2 Colossus, CTPI (Max)’

My JG’s Max HP is 290K while the agent’s JG’s has 197K only. I have 93K more Max HP and that is a huge difference. Again, the agent has lower Max HP because of his cards and his JG has CTPA only.

My Thanos’ Max HP is 273K while the agent’s Thanos’ Max HP is 272K. They almost have the same Max HP because they both have CTP Reg and the agent equipped many HP urus to his Thanos.

This battle is really interesting to watch because his JG and Thanos are lucky when it comes to skill rotation. Both used their 5th skill. My JG is not even using her 5th skill because her skills can’t rotate because of the ITGB pierce from the agent’s JG.

At 14 seconds remaining, his JG used her T3 skill but my JG and Thanos did not die and they were able to heal back and counter-attack. That is how powerful a CTPReg can be when equipped to JG and Thanos. And combined with Max Dodge Rate, even JG’s T3 skill can’t kill them.

My Thanos used his T3 skill in the last 2 seconds and both his JG and Thanos died in just 2 seconds.

Like I said in one of my previous posts about Alliance Conquest secrets, you should never put your precious T3s in the second team especially if the first team has JG and Thanos. This is because the T3 skill charge can be carried over to the next battle.

If you watched the video until the end, you will notice that my JG used her T3 skill in the first 5 seconds of the second battle because it was already charged from the first battle. The agent just wasted Silver Surfer, T3 Captain America, and T3 Quicksilver.

# 3 – Battle Against User: Korean User (3)

The agent has the following card information:

  • Max HP: 19%
  • Total Energy Attack: 69.1%
  • Total Physical Attack: 68%
  • Ignore Defense: 23%
  • Cooldown Duration: 30.8%

My Max HP from cards is higher by 31%. The agent does not have any HP proc. However, his Total Energy Attack and Total Physical Attack are higher by 21.9% and 26.2%, respectively.

Enemy Team:

  • T3 Jean Grey (Lead), CTPA (5 secs. Invi), BP ISO (Max)
  • T3 Thanos, CTPA (5 secs. Invi), HE ISO (40%)
  • T2 Colossus, CTP Refinement

My Team:

  • T3 Jean Grey (Lead), CTPReg (Max), POAH ISO (40%)
  • T3 Thanos, CTPReg (Max), POAH ISO (40%)
  • T2 Colossus, CTPI (Max)

The Max HP of my JG is 290K while the agent’s JG has 179K only. That’s a 111K difference. Again, this is due to the card and CTP in his JG.

The Max HP of my Thanos is 273K while the agent’s Thanos has 177K only. That’s a 96K difference. Why do this alliance keep using CTPA on their JG and Thanos?

Looking at his roster, I see a CTPReg on Apocalypse and Silver Surfer. I also see many CTP of Rage. Even so, they are very active in AC so they have to prioritize JG and Thanos for the CTPReg because both these characters need that CTP for this game mode.

Back to the video, after 7 seconds from the start of the battle, the Max HP proc from cards activated increasing the Max HP of JG and Thanos to 348K and 328K, respectively. That proc has a 20 seconds duration which is about 53% of the battle duration.

At 35 seconds remaining, my team was caught in his JG’s ITGB pierce from JG’s 5th skill, but the damage received by my team was negated by the CTPReg heal and the HP proc from cards. My Thanos keeps countering with his 4th skill.

My Jean Grey used her 4th skill at 22 seconds remaining and his JG’s CTPA Invincibility is on cooldown so her JG received a lot of damage.

At 21 seconds remaining, my JG used her 5th skill and my Thanos used his 4th skill and 3rd skill. It’s payback time. Both the agent’s JG and Thanos died because their CTPA can’t help them anymore.

With only JG remaining from her second life and she’s using an old uniform, it was futile. Also, BP ISO is a terrible ISO set for JG because the shield from this ISO can be easily pierced. You are also sacrificing the opportunity to have a 40% increase in attack for 20 seconds from not using an Attack ISO set.

# 4 – Battle Against User: Korean User (4)

The agent has the following card information:

  • Max HP: 36.5%
  • Total Energy Attack: 56.4%
  • Total Physical Attack: 42%
  • Ignore Defense: 29.3%
  • Cooldown Duration: 33.9%

This agent has better cards for AC compared to the previous three. My Max HP is only higher by 13.5%. He does not have any HP proc as well. His Total Energy Attack is higher by 9.2%. Both our Total Physical Attacks have less than 1% difference.

Enemy Team:

  • T3 Jean Grey (Lead), CTP of Greed (Max), POAH ISO (Max)
  • T3 Thanos, CTPReg (Max), POAH ISO (40%)
  • T2 Colossus, CTPI

My Team:

  • T3 Jean Grey (Lead), CTPReg (Max), POAH ISO (40%)
  • T3 Thanos, CTPReg (Max), POAH ISO (40%)
  • T2 Colossus, CTPI (Max)

My Jean Grey has 290K Max HP while the agent’s JG has 235K. That’s a 55K difference. That’s not so bad.

My Thanos has 273K Max HP while the agent’s Thanos has 293K. His Thanos has 20K more Max HP. His Max HP was boosted by the HP urus and uniform option. However, it seems like the disadvantage of his Thanos is the lower dodge rate because he has no Dodge Urus and his dodge from cards is almost the same as mine. In order to max his dodge rate, you need to equip Dodge Urus and adjust your gear or uniform option.

Luckily for him, his JG used her 5th skill with ITGB pierce at 38 seconds remaining and another one at 32 seconds remaining. Because of her JG’s CTP of Greed with a 26.7% Ignore Dodge and Damage Proc and his Thanos’ 3rd and 5th skill, my JG’s first life was depleted after 15 seconds from the start of the battle.

At 25 seconds remaining, her JG used her 5th skill again. I thought I was already going to lose. But my Thanos used his 4th skill and her JG finally was stunned. I think this is one of the reasons they have to be on the same team. Jean Grey and Thanos are solid teammates in battle.

My JG then finally used her 5th skill at 18 seconds remaining. My Thanos used his 3rd skill. Both the agent’s JG and Thanos died. With only JG at her second life in the agent’s team, her CTP of Greed did not help her survive. I think even with a CTPReg, she cannot survive ALONE in a battle against another JG and Thanos. She was killed by my JG’s 4th skill and my Thanos’ 5th skill.

That’s it for this week’s Alliance Conquest. I hope we both learned something from these battles.

See you again in my next post. 🙂

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